Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The last day of tollerable weather

It has been unexpectedly cool today. No I don't mean like that's totally chill I mean the weather. For some reason it is raining. The forecasters said this would be our last day of nice weather ( and by cool I mean 75, very cold for Arizona), before the triple digits start. It's expected to be over 100 by the end of the week. I hate Arizona. I know people say you get used to the heat but that's a lie you don't. It's unbearable and for some reason I have a feeling this summer is going to be the worst. Turn your over to 400 for like 10 minutes, then open the door and stick your head in. That is how it feels to walk outside in the summer here. But to celebrate the cold I made some brownies. I miss grass and trees and roses. I miss my brother. Oh well got to go, Hells Kitchen is on!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Sage Woman-celebrating the goddess in us all

So I was always wondering who would be self righteous enough to have a blog about themselves. But since more and more of the people I know have blogs I thought it might be fun. Yes its true most of them have husbands (or wives) and children to write about, but I am a fun single girl with lots to say. And what better way to get my message across than an obscure blog no one will read, right?

Anyways as you may know I finally graduated from college. Yes I know what you are thinking, "Sage just graduated? No, she is so intelligent and successful". Yes those things are true but I am also an expert procrastinator. I was hard finding the time between checking Myspace and my TIVO, but I'm finally done. I thought it wouldn't make much difference in my life, but to be honest I have never felt better about myself. I finally have a real plan for the future and I am ready to get on with it (more on my plans in future blogs, sorry you will just have to wait). Hey I'm not getting any younger.


Some recent events in my life have really put some things in perspective for me; my grandma passing away, my graduation, one of my best friends getting breast cancer, some of my other friends dealing with a child with an illness. All of these things have perhaps made me feel as mortal as I have ever felt, while giving me an overwhelming and incredible sense of hope and determination. I feel like the stars have aligned for me and suddenly things feel very clear. Not to say I am not nervous, but I know what I want in my heart. I know that I have to follow my dreams and suddenly I feel the courage to do so.

On another happy note my family was here visiting me two weekends ago. It was so wonderful. Having a baby sister is so great. Berri is just so amazing. I just can't get enough of her. She is so smart and funny and boy does she have my dad wrapped around her finger.


And finally, last Friday I received an unexpected gift from my mom. A book called "The Sage Woman, find the goddess in all of us.". While most of it is about surviving menopause (thanks mom!!, not that old yet), there was something really awesome in it that I am practicing everyday. It is a ritual to crown yourself Queen, and it goes like this;

I am Queen (insert your name here)
Queen of myself
Ruler of all my domains
Manifestor of my fondest dreams
Executrix of my own will

So please celebrate you goddess, if don't who will?