Friday, June 6, 2008

It's finally happened

I have officially become my mother. While shopping, driving or working I find myself thinking, "Am I the only sane person on Earth?". I have made myself the champion for truth, logic, sensibility and reasoning. I can't stand anyone. The other day I was at the pool at my apartment just trying to enjoy the sun and my book, and these two retarded girls came in. They kept incessantly squawking on and on about babies and other things that I have no interest in. I couldn't read my book I couldn't think. Their ridiculous babbling was like nails on a chalk board. I wanted to drown them. And then I thought "Oh god, I am my mother.". The thing is it didn't take me two husbands and three kids to get there. The really scary thing it that I am starting to believe she is right.

My brother forwarded me a video at work today. I was footage of an elderly man getting hit by a car. After it happen the bystanders and the other cars did nothing. No one did a thing, they just stood there watching this poor old man lying in the middle of a busy street dying. They stood there gawking like people watching monkeys in a zoo twiddling their thumbs while a fellow human being lay in the street not 3 feet in front of them. My brother and I talked about people. About the world. The stock market looses 300 points today, the dollar is worth nothing, citizens in Connecticut watch a man suffer before them. And then I ask myself, "Am I the only sane person on Earth?"