Friday, July 18, 2008

The dog days of summer

Summer is in full swing here in hell, um well, I mean Phoenix and it couldn't be hotter here. My ass is sticking to the couch. And my boobs never stop sweating. I feel as boiled as mister lobster up there. I am constantly questioning my decision to move here. Why oh why??!! I recently returned from a 10 day trip to Washington DC. Besides the blow out fight I had with my sister (we didn't talk for two weeks after), the fight with my mom, the complete lack of sleep (my mom snores like a lumberjack, literally, my brother and I were awake all night), the trip was lots of fun. Each year in the summer my mom attends the RA (represenitve assembly), for the National Education Association (NEA). The NEA is one of the last unions with any power in the United States. I try to tag along when I can to take advange of the free room, and sometimes free food, and getting to spend time with my mom.

Blaze and I squished in a cab, with Blaze looking great!! The three of us in front of the White House
Awesome Capital fireworks!!
We had a great time! It also makes me sad because I know the days of family vacations are going to be few and far between. Jade didn't even come with us so we were already one short. Hopefully we will still have more good times together. Oh by the way the lobster was one of those great meals we had together, it was really awesome!! Maybe it's not so bad if I become my mother. Besides the crazy, she is ok.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Family vacations are both so much fun and such a drag! You guys look fantastic! I can only imagine how hot you must be...oh the boob sweat! We are having one of our coldest summers ever, and it is dreary and wet and miserable, just the opposite extreme from your summer!